Tracking Astronomical Instruments Through Ottoman World and Beyond

The “Tracking Astronomical Instruments Through Ottoman World and Beyond” full-day interactive workshop took place on November 28, 2023.
The full-day interactive workshop titled “Tracking Astronomical Instruments Through Ottoman World and Beyond” organized by the Department of History of Science at Istanbul University took place on November 28, 2023, at the General Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Letters at Istanbul University. This workshop was a continuation of the international congress titled “Channels of Transmission of Astronomical Knowledge in the Ottoman World (14th-18th Centuries)” held from November 21 to 24, 2023 (For details, see
This interactive workshop aimed to explore the history of astronomy through tangible examples such as portable astronomical instruments, calendars, and volvelles used in the Ottoman world and beyond. To achieve this goal, a platform was created for sharing knowledge and experiences in the field of history of science with the participation of retired Mathematics Professor Jan Pieter Hogendijk from Utrecht University, Assistant Professor Gaye Danışan from the Department of History of Science at Istanbul University, and Assistant Professor Taha Yasin Arslan from the Institute of History of Science at Istanbul Medeniyet University. The workshop, which consisted of four sessions, also received valuable support from four teaching assistants: Research Assistant Eslem Günaydın (Istanbul University), Solmaz Ceren Özdemir (Istanbul University), Mar River Colomer (Universidad de La Laguna), and Research Assistant Kutsi Aybars Çetinalp (Istanbul Technical University).
For more detailed information about the workshop see: Kutsi Aybars Çetinalp, Tracking Astronomical Instruments Through Ottoman World and Beyond Workshop, Istanbul, 28th November 2023, pp. 205-211.
For more detailed information about Prof. J. P. Hogendijk’s various workshops and talks, please refer to: