Tracking Astronomical Instruments
Through Ottoman World and Beyond
One-Day Interactive Workshop
28 November 2023
Being organized by The Department of the History of Science at Istanbul University
Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, General Assembly Room
(Workshop will be conducted bilingually: Turkish and English)
This interactive workshop is devoted to exploring the history of astronomy based on concrete examples of portable astronomical instruments, calendars, and volvelles within and beyond the Ottoman World. Through the workshop, the conductors will share their experience on the history of science and the participants will have an opportunity to be directly involved with hands-on activities.
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explain on the basis of their own experience the use of workshops and hands-on approaches in the historiography of portable astronomical instruments, calendars, and volvelles.
- Teach the abjad number system for reading astronomical tables and using astronomical instruments.
- Acquire skills to use an astrolabe and take home their hands-on version to practice.
- Explain Ottoman volvelles by means of hands-on models.
Participation is free, but registration is compulsory. Please fill out the form by the 15th of November:
In case of questions about the workshop, please email to:
