Portable Astronomical Instruments Project
Research on the history of science in the early Ottoman period to date has proved that the study of time and time measurement had a special place in Ottoman culture. Manuscripts on the structure and use of portable astronomical instruments, which constitute an important part of Ottoman literature, show the importance attached to these instruments. To date, the value of these works as a source continues to be demonstrated by researchers with different methodological approaches. On the other hand, our research on calendars has allowed us to find interesting connections between portable astronomical instruments and calendars. In this context, as of 2022, for three years, the “Portable Astronomical Instruments: The Processes of Adaptation and Diffusion of Medieval Islamic and European Examples in the Ottoman Geography (1500-1700)” will not only focus on the structure and content of the instruments but also on their relationship with calendars. In this context, we aim to further research Ottoman volvelles in calendars.